Last September I drove dad to the golf course that we had played for years. Pop could hardly walk and couldn't communicate anymore. I helped him in the cart. "We" played three holes. I would hit shots and ask my dad what I should hit next. I'd ask him if he thought an 8 iron would be the right club and he'd smile and shake his head yes. I'd ask him if he wanted to hit a shot and he'd smile and shake his head no. We were on the course for thirty minutes. It was our "final round" and our best one.
Runner-Up was Craig Britter from Utah. Below is an excerpt from his entry:
I was four years old. We walked our 9 hole course and dad carried both his and my bag the whole way. We shared a bag of chocolate licorice, which i thought was a great treat. When I duffed a shot he would say "that's OK have another piece of licorice." I do remember hitting one solid shot that day on the 8th hole from the fairway right in front of the green. My dad was so excited for me that he gave me a high five and a hug. It was a special day and I like to recall that feeling in that moment every time I walk up that hole.
Rounding out the top five entries were James Carrochhi from North Carolina, Jordan Ruberti from Vermont and Paige-Lee Garris from Florida. For the grand prize winning entry, Mr. Neureuther received the Revolver Pro cart bag and T-700 travel covers. Runner-up Mr. Britter received the new Quad four-wheeled push cart by Bag Boy. The other top-five winners received Revolver Pro cart bag, T-700 travel cover and shoe bag.
A total of 25 winners were selected to receive Bag Boy prizes along with their fathers.
“The number of entries we received for the contest was overwhelming,” said Craig Ramsbottom, president Dynamic Brands. “Our panel of judges read every entry, some brought laughter and some tears. But one thing they all had in common was that golf created a true bond between them. The memories submitted are clearly ones that each son or daughter will hold onto for the rest of their life.